Viridian Account

A growing number of our clients are switching from traditional transaction-based accounts to fee-based investment accounts such as Viridian. Investors who choose to open a Viridian account view their investments not in terms of single trades and transactions, but as an active and strategic long-term commitment to building an investment portfolio that will help them achieve their financial goals.

Viridian Account Features

  • Complete freedom
    There are virtually no restrictions on your investment options. A full range of investments: equities, fixed income securities, corporate and government debt, mutual funds (F-class), and specialized investments plus other structured income products can all be part of a Viridian account.
  • No per trade commissions
    Viridian allows you to pay a monthly fee based on the value of your account, instead of paying individual commissions per trade. With this amount of freedom, you have the opportunity to eliminate under-performing investments, re-allocate assets, and make similar portfolio adjustments, in order to achieve optimal investment returns.
  • Cost effective
    All fees in non-registered Viridian accounts are fully tax deductible and no additional fees will apply for Viridian RRSP or RRIF accounts.
  • Professional Advice
    Your Financial/Investment Advisor will continue to work with you to ensure that your financial plan is reflected in the components of your portfolio, and its performance is meeting your objectives and risk tolerance.